Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Apartment Hunting in New York City

Tips to Know Living in New York City provides you with a host of opportunities. Whether you want to further yourstudies or find a prolific job, possibilities abound when you move to this area. As you're exploring the options for your move, keeping some tips in mind can help you to narrow down the thousands of choices.

source from google.com

Know the Boroughs 

When people think about moving to New York City, they may automatically envision Manhattan. However, recognizing that New York City is made up of five boroughs is important when you're planning to live there.

In addition to Manhattan, you can can also choose Queens, Brooklyn, StatenIsland and the Bronx. Each of these boroughs has its own feel with numerous neighborhoods that are quite different from one another. Considering where your school or job is located as well as how urban of a feel you want can help you to narrow down the choices.For example, living in Queens would elicit a longer commute to Manhattan but also has some neighborhoods that are more reminiscent of busy suburbs than urban areas.

Seat Realistic Price Expectations 

If you are moving from Long Island or northern New Jersey, you may already have some familiaritywith the prices in New York City. However, when you're coming from an area that's farther away, the costs might shock you. Early on in your search, you should set a strict budget and see what is available in your desired borough. This process can actually help you to eliminate a number of options and even to choose what borough it is that you wish to live in. You can also set realistic expectations for what you can afford. For example, you may discover that you can opt for a two-bedroom apartment in Staten Island or a studio apartment in Manhattan.

Use a Real Estate Agent

When you're looking for apartments in New York City, you will literally have thousands of options in front of you. Going through all of this information, even when you have a list of particulars that you want in the apartment and a strict budget, can be overwhelming. Therefore, working with a representative from Loftey can dramatically help you find appropriate NYC apartments for rent, narrow down the options and find the right space for you. For example, you could speak with a representative about what it is that you're looking for and then getting options tailored to your needs.

Review Transportation and Location 

If you're looking at apartments, you probably know that you need to ask basic questions such as whether or not heat, water and electric are included in the price of the rent. However, you also have to take into account the proximity to other subways and trains as well as to grocery stores and other such amenities.Having a car in the city can cost you a decent amount of money, and you might have trouble parking. As a result, you should make some decisions early on about how you want to get around when you move.

Renting or buying an apartment in New York City is certainly exciting. These tips can help you to navigate the many options.


  1. salam singgah. wah kota new york. kalau ikut angan-angan, memang nak pi tempat camni. kota metropolitan ^_^

  2. Kalau ada rezeki lebih boleh beli sebiji aparment macam ni.. cantik dan menenangkan buat lepak-lepak he he he

  3. Wow... Menarik. Kalaulah ada duit yg banyak memang best ada property di sana kan. InsyaAllah.. Kita usaha selagi termampu

  4. new york city, jauh nya.. nak migrate ker? a great article on apartment hunting in NY..

  5. Wah New York, teringin yer nak jejakkan kaki ke sini satu hari nanti. Tips yang bagus, tq for sharing SA

  6. Lovely design. Looks simple but spacious. Hopefully I could get an apartment there.

  7. I wish I will have the means to visit NY soon - I really want to experience the life and the view there

  8. rasanya tips yang ada nih bukan hanya boleh kita guna dekat luar negara jer. Kalau nak rent a house dekat KL pon still need to take note tentang beberapa perkara dalam artikel nih kan.

  9. That’s true, each boroughs are different. There are lots to consider and take note, especially when we’re moving to a different country. New York, one of my dream city, bucketlist since I was a kid haha.

  10. hello Amanda Suria ,
    great article .,visit my blog , thankyou
    #google #googletricks

  11. Teringin betoi nak ke NY. Tapi mayb tinggal angan2 kot sb visa nak ke US dah mati baru2 ni..jejak ke sana tak lagi tapi visa dah mati. Dulu berangan nak ke sana sb tu buat visa..alih2 tak jadi gi. Tak apa lah..tgok je lah gambo apartment dlm blog ni..

  12. Seronok tengok NY ni..selalunya usha ig yuna la klau nk tgk NY ni mcm mna sbb dia kan duk sana

  13. wahh.. jauh tu.. setakat ni tak terfikir lagi nak ke sana. Tapi kalau pergi pun just untuk melancong je kot.. Tapi tips dalam artikel ni boleh juga dipraktikkan kat sini kan...

  14. Sis suria amanda memang suka benar pergi jalan jalan ya. Hehe. Lepas ni bolehlah pindah new york pula sebab dah hunting hunting apartment kat sana

  15. Antara lokasi impian Liez.. untuk nak beli apartment mmg tak mampu la.. tapi klau nak g bercuti jalan makan angin mmg best..good info utk yang nak beli/sewa di new york

  16. Lokasi idaman nak ke sana .Tiket pun dah dekat 10k return . Nak beli apartment kat sana tak mampu .Tapi suka sangat design & interior kat sana.

  17. Bestnya disana. Tapi mampu tengok dari jauh je la kan.
    Thank kak share info..

  18. Wah..New York! Haha..moga satu hari nanti capai impian nak ke sana

  19. Wah new york!!! Ayu teringin nak pergi sini heheh Tapi apartment dia mmg cantiklan.. bestnya

  20. new york pun macam KL jugak, ada sesetengah tempat memang mahal. tapi biasalah di US, rumah kecik pun cantik, hehe

  21. Wow sis New York!! Tak pernah sampai lagi kat sana tu sis. Btw cantik betul apartment tu. Bestnya kalau dpt apartment mcm tu

  22. serius tak pernah lagi pergi NY tgk sana, sis bgtau mmg rasa ni pergi sebab ada apartment macam ni mmg wow la

  23. Info yang menarik.
    Mana tahu satu hari nanti berjaya ke sana..

  24. Good sharing SA.. teringin nak pi sana jugak..


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