Sunday, July 5, 2015

Dayana and DurratunKhayla Surprise Giveaway

Blom terlewat nak join GA ni rasanya mana tau ada antara kita dapat bawak pulang hadiah yang surprise tu..
Korang nak join Klik Banner ye...


1. Follow DurratunKhayla on: INSTAGRAM and like their Fan Page.
2. Follow this blog (
3. Create a post with the title: Dayana and DurratunKhayla Surprise Giveaway, then repost this photo below and link it to this blog entry.
4. Leave your blog link below.

Pemenang dipilih via dan tarikh tutup is on 10th July 2015 - supaya harap-harap sempat post untuk pakai raya.

Jom La Join....


Heyy Gojes..Any Comment????
Comment Yang Elok- Elok Aje Ye......

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