Monday, March 11, 2013

Serius Meeting On Monday

Semua mood tensi sebab meeting early in the morning...hehehehe....mana aku?of coz lepak sebelah boss amik minutes...bosan Isnin kena amik minutes...

 semua tekun jot down any info from boss
 yess..department aku memang semua muda2 belia..
ada beberapa jer yang tua...hehehehe....

Well semua dah dapat info..bad news..good news...bila nak kena pindah opis baru...semua upset..
but we have to move on guys...what ever it is..we still get the good news based on our achievement last hard this year and we will gain better next year...
keep up the good works and teamwork...
weyyy kasik enggage la project 2-3 ...mana tau dapat bonus 8 bulan plak next year..
Shut up Rizz!!!hhehehehehe....


  1. ni apa ni...bos suruh catat minit mesyorat, bukan ambik gambar! bahahahaha

  2. tirulah macam saya... minutes di-record...lepas tu while doing the MOM... pasang earphone...lalalalalala...dengar balik...kot kot ada point2 penting yang di-discuss terlepas kan? kadang2 nak shorthand tak ter-shorthand sangat...dan kadang2 focus tu larikkkk.... he he he... (sibuk jer interframe kan kakk.... walhal akak lagi expert dari saya.... lalalalala...saja jadi naughty once a while...)


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