Lama x tepek gambar si kembar kan? heheheeh..
sajer bagi korang rindu....
Ibu eh tgh kembang semangkuk jadi..lom ada gambar terbaru...sabar2 la yer...
mana tau dia nak kurus mcm si Paris Hilton kan...
Jom..tgok gambar si kembar..dah pandai dan sgt bijak as usual...x leh dekat...
x percaya?
tgok gambar2 tuh..
Yang menyarap Adeliya..yang baring op cos la Aressa kan....tgok tangan Aressa kat ne...
rebutkan bantal buruk tuh....
uh..uh..Aressa gigih usaha nak rampas dari kakak...kakak plak sedaya upaya nak tepis...

Kalau dah jadi begini..terpaksalah di leraikan.....hahahahaha..
series dorang x leh dekat...kalau korang x percaya entry ada bukti paling kukuh mama long dapat tau...
Twin babies are really hard to manage. Taking care of them in the same way is not an easy step. It is not a good idea to put them on different schedule. If you did so, you won’t be getting any break. Put them on same schedule as much as possible. It is obvious that you can’t get used to it easily. It will take some time. Keep trying and you will succeed. You should nurse them in the same time. You can use the nursing pillow specially designed for twins. It makes feeding easier. Initially, set both twins on your couch, leaving some gap for you to sit in between. Then, fix your nursing pillow to your waist and sit down cross-legged in between the twins. Next, set the first baby on the pillow football style and bolt him on, then do the same with the second baby on the opposite side. When your twins want to burp, hold one baby above your shoulder or even set him on the pillow when he burps. When he has done, place him on the bed and do the same with the other one. Go for best essay writing service here. Another thing to take care is give nap at the same time. It is suggested to do so. Naps can be difficult. It will increase if you find diverse ways to make them sleep. At times they may fall asleep together on a mantle on the floor. Other times, you have to place one in the swing while the other is in the bassinet. In any case, aim your best to keep bedtimes and sleep times the same for them. You may be worried that babies will be sad when you are not holding them. Alternate this. When you are holding one, keep one near you in a blanket in the floor. When he starts crying, alter.